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8 Week
Introduction to Mindfulness Course

Week Seven Resources


Week 7: Opening Meditation

Joy and Happiness MeditationDar Shawver
00:00 / 17:21

Week 7
Audio Files
for Your

Week 7: Joy and Happiness Meditaton

The Breath as InterconnectionDar Shawver
00:00 / 08:18

Worksheet for Happiness & Joy

Journal Prompts

How might I CHOOSE JOY every day?

In what types of situations might I use A.W.E. (And What Else?)
to remind myself that there is more to my life than what I
find to be difficult or challenging?

What things in everyday life do I find to be awe-inspiring?


William Blake🔹

On Conditional Joy


"Kiss the joy as it flies by."

Rick Hansen 🔹

Formula for Happiness and Joy


Notice six moments of joy every day and stay with it, savor it, allow yourself to really be in those joyful moments for 15 seconds each. If you do this every day for two weeks, it will be enough to activate the confirmation bias in your brain and your brain will begin to seek more joy and more happiness. It will naturally begin to occur more often and more easily.

The A.W.E Method🔹

from The Power of Awe


A - Attention.

Focus attention on something you appreciate, value, or find amazing. Look around you and find something special and beautiful that you value and appreciate. Look at it closely. If it's a small object pick it up and notice everything about it. Notice the texture, the color, the fragrance. Notice the life inside it, if it's alive (such as a plant). If it's a painting, imagine the painter painting it and notice the depth, light, and colors.


W - Wait.

Slow down or pause. Take a breath - inhale deeply while you appreciate this cherished item in your home.


E - Exhale and Expand.

This amplifies whatever sensations you are experiencing. 

As you exhale - making it it a slightly deeper exhalation than normal - allow what you are feeling to fill you and to grow.


What do you notice: Did you feel a smile? Did you relax?

Did you feel a warmth in the belly? Did your vision soften, your eyes moisten with gratitude for this precious item you're observing?

Henri Nouwen🔹

Choose Joy


"Joy doe not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."


And What Else


When you notice you are focusing on a difficulty or a challenge or something that you perceive to be negative,

ask yourself "And What Else?"

What else is happening in your life? What do you have to be grateful for? Who do you have to be grateful for?

This challenge isn't the only thing in your life. There are positive things as well. Bring them to mind, connect to the goodness and the positive.


Mary Oliver


If you suddenly and unexpectedly feel joy,

Don't hesitate.

Give in to it.

There are plenty of lives

And whole towns destroyed, or about to be.

We are not wise, and not very often kind.

And much can never be redeemed.

Still, life has some possibility left.

Perhaps this is its way of fighting back,

That sometimes something happens

Better than all the riches or power in the world.

It be anything, but very likely you notice it

In the instant when love begins.

Anyway, that's often the case.

Anyway, whatever it is,

Don't be afraid of its plenty.

Joy is not meant to be a crumb.

Book Recommendations

The Power of Awe
by Jake Eagel, LPC, Michael Amster, MD

Awakening Joy: 10 Steps to Happiness
by James Baraz, Shoshana Alexander


Trusting the Gold: Uncovering Your Natural Goodness

by Tara Brach

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