8 Week
Introduction to Mindfulness Course
Week Eight Resources
Journal Prompts
When all the reasons why I feel I am unworthy of my own
loving wishes arise, can I forgive myself?
What keeps me from believing that nothing can render me
undeserving of my own love, compassion and care?
What would help me feel as worthy of lovingkindness as others?
What might be blocking my ability to love myself?
What comes up when I practice Lovingkindness for others?
For the benefactor (teacher, mentor)?
For the being that loving comes as easy as breathing?
For the neutral being?
For the challenging being?
For all beings everywhere?

John Kabat-Zinn🔹
Founder of MBSR
∙In Asian languages, the word for “mind” and the word for “heart” are same. So, if you’re not hearing mindfulness in some deep way as heartfulness, you’re not really understanding it. Compassion and kindness towards oneself are intrinsically woven into it. You could think of mindfulness as wise and affectionate attention.
Joseph Goldstein 🔹
One of the Founders of the Insight Meditation Center
“This kind of love has many qualities that distinguish it from other more usual experiences of love mixed with a desire or attachment. Born of great generosity, Metta is caring and kindness that does not seek self-benefit. It doesn’t look for anything in return or by way of exchange: [such as] “I will love you if you love me,” or “I will love you if you behave in a certain way”. Because lovingkindness is never associated with anything harmful, it always arises from a purity of heart. Lovingkindness is love without conditions.
Ajahn Brahmavamso🔹
Monk in the Thai Forest Tradition
"Even when we’re feeling down on ourselves or unable to access our hearts, metta points us to something bigger and freer than our present personal sense of ourselves or our ability to love. It points to the limitless – to love that that is not conditioned or contingent. It points to love that is not fabricated but is essential. This kind of choiceless love can hold the whole world in its heart. It can bring loving-kindness, compassion, and healing to the worlds suffering and sorrows."
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. And embrace them.”

“Just as water drops on stone and gradually wears it away, or just as the raindrops accumulate in the water jar, so too, the practice of love begins to bring the heart to flower.”
Buddha🔹Self Love
“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone ore deserving of your own love and affection that you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
Jack Kornfield🔹
“...if your compassion doesn't include yourself, it is incomplete.”

Book Recommendations
by Sharon Salzberg
Real Love
by Sharon Salzberg
Lovingkindness in Plain English
by Bhante Gunaratana
Awakening Lovingkindness
by Pema Chodron