"My life really disintegrated.
Then I disintegrated. But it was okay because
I signed up for your classes and this choice
made all the difference."
November 04, 2020
My first venture into mindfulness was several years ago when I enrolled in an eight-week meditation course offered through the City of Sparks, Department of Parks and Recreation for which Dar Shawver was the instructor. Dar was so knowledgeable and really catered to the individual needs of each of her students. She was receptive to all inquiries and made each participant feel seen and heard.
I have been continuing my journey with meditation ever since, and Dar has kept in touch over the years, sharing her expertise with me through email and social media. She has given me access to recorded guided meditations and videos, and more recently, has led weekly meditations in a Facebook group that has helped me to navigate my emotions while living through a pandemic. Her recent addition of recordings on the Insight Timer App makes it so that I can access one of her meditations whenever I need it most.
I know that those first weeks with Dar is what helped me create a foundation on which I could build a sustainable practice that has been a saving grace when it comes to my ability to manage my stress and anxiety. Every time I join one of Dar’s meditations, I learn something new that is of value to me. Her calm and soothing presence makes it so even people who are new to the group immediately feel more relaxed after joining in for just one of her meditation sessions.
Dar welcomes everyone with kindness and treats everyone with respect. She does not push her beliefs on others, and she treats everyone as equals. Dar is open, honest, and not afraid to show her vulnerability, which only makes it easier to connect with her as she reminds us all that we are humans living the same human experiences.
For me, mindfulness and gratitude are symbiotic, and I am so grateful for the opportunities to continue to learn and grow from Dar’s mentorship as she helps me to not only stay in the present, but to live my most authentic life.
-Sara M. Kwasna
I have been doing meditation with Dar Shawver for 2 years. She is knowledgeable in a variety of meditation techniques. She explains each technique and offers each participant the opportunity to ask questions. Dar demonstrates what a kind and loving person she is. She is very real and vulnerable in the group.
I have learned through meditation how to feel all feelings and let the ones that feel really bad go. I have found through meditation I can deal with everyday life and still maintain peace of mind.
The work I have done with Dar over the past 2 1/2 years has had such a positive impact on my life. She has helped me explore my emotions and past life events. She has also helped me learn how to resolve personnel issues leading to more love, joy, and peace in my life. I’m so grateful I’ve had the opportunity to work with her and get to know her.

My first experience with meditation and mindfulness was through the 8 week course taught in Sparks, and it has helped tremendously on learning how to bring calm into my life. As a naturally anxious person, I have a really hard time sitting still and relaxing, which does not lend well to a healthy mind. Through practicing meditation, I have begun to teach myself that slowing down and taking time to breathe does wonders for your mental health both at time of meditation and has a lasting effect afterwards.
I look forward to continuing to expand my practice and reap the benefits and look forward to working with Dar again in the future!